Friday, October 21, 2011

Made To Crave

I felt the need today to share the adventure I have had as I have walked through reading "Made To Crave" by Lysa Turkherst.
I picked this book up from Lifeway a couple of months ago in a state of utter feelings of failure with my weight. We had just moved ( yet again) and I was struggling feeling completely out of control of my eating! So I decided to take a new diet approach, a christian book. Surely this would solve the problem. I purchased the book and then proceeded to go on with life as usual.
Finally one night I pulled it out of the bag it had been sitting in for probably a month and started reading. I was a little disappointed at first...I want a simple solution, quick and to the point. I know it took me years to get to this weight, but surely there was a quick way to get it off!
Each time I would pick it up and begin reading my heart would be stirred. Was this really the problem ....was it a heart problem and not a food problem! UKKK I really dislike heart problems...they are so painful for God to fix.
I began to consciously walk in the steps that she lays out in this book. Each time I was faced with a temptation I would place the word of God in my heart...I would actively live out the Word. I would find myself calling out in prayer all throughout the day over these temptations and each time in my weakness He showed Himself strong! I began to realize how weak I really was! How much I was living in excuses and how powerful His word can be.
Just like Lysa...I always felt frustrated that I seemed to deal with this weight issue and others did not ( my husband especially UGH!) but through this process He has revealed to me that I need this weakness, because without it I place my trust in food to fill me up! I crave the peace ( all be it short lived) food gives me! He wants me to trust in Him to fill me up. He wants me to crave the Peace only He can give. I have found a sense of contentment with my weight. I am realizing more each day that my worth is not found in the weight on the scale...or the size of my jeans. But in my heavenly Creator! Who did not make a mistake when He made me this way! For He knit me together and He knows my innermost thoughts! He loves me despite my sin and selfishness toward food! I have begun to focus on Craving after Him everyday and living in The Victory I have in Him!
Sidenote: to date I have lost 22 lbs! I have not had a soda in over a month.....My God is Good!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Each day after we have home schooled and have finished lunch....I put Madi down for her nap and then let the 2 older kids have a quiet time movie. Usually it some silly cartoon they have picked out and it gives them the opportunity to just unwind for a little while, but today I decided it would be fun to all watch Facing The Giants together! If you have not seen it I highly suggest it! Love this movie and powerful underlying theme.....WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN GOD IS IN IT????? NOTHING!!
How many times a day do I need to be reminded of that message. As we are beginning to reach the end of our journey here at seminary I find myself hearing all that everyone is saying about how difficult it is to find a ministry out there. It's not how much you know but who you know. I start doubting this journey, maybe we should have stayed put...maybe we can go back home....maybe we can stay here.
Satan seizes that little crack of fear that tiny sliver of doubt ( or gaping hole sometimes on my part) and he runs with it. I mean he isn't called the prince of lies for no reason! He preys on these chinks in my already weakened armor. It is not by chance that he camps out here, he is the ultimate deceiver. He has a brutal and vicious attack planned, it all comes down to my faithfulness in my relationship with the One and only who can defeat him!!
This movies awakens in me everytime I watch it how powerful my God is!! It helps that I love football too. As I watch little David and those Eagles line up against those 85 giants it brings it home over and over again! They shouldn't win, they can't win, there is no way the could win....but wait! David stands there ready to kick the longest field goal he has ever attempted and he simply says "God help me make this field goal" The wind stops and then begins to blow the opposite way and he kicks with all his might and it goes in and they have done it!!!! The Lord has shown himself mighty in this teams lives!! They have honored him in their actions they have worn His word out onto the field and into their lives and He has blessed them!!
AHHHH! I love it...of course I am always a sucker for a happy ending!
I know that with God on my side nothing is impossible. He has showed himself strong over and over in my life and I know He is not about to stop now! I know that as we continue to faithfully serve Him, He will open the Doors that need to be open and guide us with each step we take. I am so very thankful that He is the ultimate source of strength and wisdom and He sees fit to bless us with it.