All Girl and then some ....... Skylar had ballet today and while the pictures that I am posting were not taken today, they are pictures of a typical pre-dance ballet class. We have been so blessed for mom helping us pay for Skylar's classes. She loves it and her teacher the ultratalented, ultrapatient (anyone who teaches 3 -4 year olds), graceful, and perfect Miss Cora is invaluable. Skylar talks about Miss Cora, pretends to be Miss Cora, tries to get her brother to do ballet while being Miss Cora. So as you can see Miss Cora is a household name. Skylar by far is not the most graceful in the class, but Miss Cora makes them all feel like Prima Ballerina's. They dance with props occasionally and sometimes there are little dissagreements over the color that one or two may get, but other than that they all seem to have a ball and our enjoying class. They have their end of the year open house soon and both set of grand parents will be here. We are so excited, hopefully Skylar doesn't get up their and clam up. Or better yet stand their with her hands stuck in her mouth. Hope that you enjoy the picks.