I am really going to try and start doing this occasionally!!! I know some of you are laughing hysterically, but I really am aiming to be better about keeping up with this more for me than anyone else...Because I am sure I will be the only one reading it... so Dear Me!!!
Isn't it painful when you see your biggest weaknesses come out in glaring red in your children, and as you are walking through this behavior with them...that little voice (aka The Holy Spirit) says Um Stacee ...Tap Tap Tap...Um Stacee you do realize that this is your weakness also. Why do you think they do it!!! They see you do it! Uck!!! I pray constantly for the Lord to illuminate these areas in me, but when He does...boy do I fight it.
But Lord I know I lose my patience, but I am a mom of 3.
But Lord I know that I am sometimes ungrateful...but what about all the times I am grateful!
But Lord I know that I procrastinate, but I just have SOOOOO much going on!
But Lord I know that my words may be hurtful, but I am so tired, frazzled, frustrated and the list goes on.
And the Lord reminds me " I am with you, I don't expect you to do it without me( sidenote: you can't) I love you. I want the best for you. I am not the god of all this confusion, I am Peace, Self control, Kindness, Love. I want to grow these things in you, but it will take time and it is going to hurt.... a lot at times.....but I am with you and I love you. "
PS Your children well their sinners too!
My Prayer Lord today.... Let me be more like you everyday, Let me BE love to my children, Let me BE kindness to those around me, Let me BE peace in a world that has none. Thank you Lord for my precious children...all of which I do not deserve. Thank you for my loving husband...which I definately do not deserve. But thank you most of all for your gace and mercy and sacrifice for me and my DIRTY soul. I love you fully! Amen!