I felt the need today to share the adventure I have had as I have walked through reading "Made To Crave" by Lysa Turkherst.
I picked this book up from Lifeway a couple of months ago in a state of utter feelings of failure with my weight. We had just moved ( yet again) and I was struggling feeling completely out of control of my eating! So I decided to take a new diet approach, a christian book. Surely this would solve the problem. I purchased the book and then proceeded to go on with life as usual.
Finally one night I pulled it out of the bag it had been sitting in for probably a month and started reading. I was a little disappointed at first...I want a simple solution, quick and to the point. I know it took me years to get to this weight, but surely there was a quick way to get it off!
Each time I would pick it up and begin reading my heart would be stirred. Was this really the problem ....was it a heart problem and not a food problem! UKKK I really dislike heart problems...they are so painful for God to fix.
I began to consciously walk in the steps that she lays out in this book. Each time I was faced with a temptation I would place the word of God in my heart...I would actively live out the Word. I would find myself calling out in prayer all throughout the day over these temptations and each time in my weakness He showed Himself strong! I began to realize how weak I really was! How much I was living in excuses and how powerful His word can be.
Just like Lysa...I always felt frustrated that I seemed to deal with this weight issue and others did not ( my husband especially UGH!) but through this process He has revealed to me that I need this weakness, because without it I place my trust in food to fill me up! I crave the peace ( all be it short lived) food gives me! He wants me to trust in Him to fill me up. He wants me to crave the Peace only He can give. I have found a sense of contentment with my weight. I am realizing more each day that my worth is not found in the weight on the scale...or the size of my jeans. But in my heavenly Creator! Who did not make a mistake when He made me this way! For He knit me together and He knows my innermost thoughts! He loves me despite my sin and selfishness toward food! I have begun to focus on Craving after Him everyday and living in The Victory I have in Him!
Sidenote: to date I have lost 22 lbs! I have not had a soda in over a month.....My God is Good!